Friday, March 22, 2013


I read an article(1)  written by the mathematics/computer writer and online editor at Science News, Ivars Peterson. In this article he explains how physicists use the eigenvalue's of large random matrices to obtain estimates of the average spacing between consecutive energy levels of heavy atomic nuclei and other complex quantum systems. A connection concerning number theory and quantum mechanics comes from the discovery that these spacing's appear statistically to behave like the spacing's between consecutive zeros of the zeta function.  

In a similar vein this blog sets out to show a link between quantized angular momentum, more specifically the vector model of the spin of quadrupolar nuclei (nuclei with quantum spin number greater than ½), and the divisor summatory function.

(1) The Return of Zeta 

A Prime Case of Chaos
Quadrupolar Nuclei 
Pascals Triangle 
Conformal Field Theory 
Monstrous Moonshine 
Vertex Operator Algerbra
Divisor summatory function
Conic Manifold
Nuber Theory and Quantum Mechanics
Work in progress:
LowRes images 
HiRes images  
Divisor summatory function plot
Divisor summatory plot 
WebGL animation 
Javascript divisor summatory function 
Klein four-group

1 comment:

  1. Just wondering, is the Higgs boson supposed to be based upon the big bang as the catalyst for it's creation.
